mariculture industry

mariculture industrymariculture industry
  1. Pondering on the structure adjustment of mariculture industry in our country


  2. The Measures for Speeding up the Sustainable Development of the Mariculture Industry of Guangdong Province


  3. Study on transforming mariculture industry into High-Tec . industry


  4. Many diseases in marine animals are caused by pathogenic marine yeasts which have brought great loss for mariculture industry .


  5. With the rapid development of the mariculture industry , self-pollution has become an important pollution source of inshore seawaters .


  6. The shellfish breeding is a mainstay mariculture industry with a long history in china , which still possessed significant contribution to the development of national economy .


  7. The reared shellfish microbial diseases have made a great damage every year , and it has become a restrictive factor in the development of mariculture industry in China .


  8. Through producing toxins or high biomass , the HAB causative species pose potent threats on the health of human-beings , mariculture industry and natural ecosystems .


  9. To keep fish mariculture industry developing healthily , the government of our country should study the advanced experiences of foreign countries , establish rational development policy , and help fish mariculture industry establish the modem enterprise system .


  10. The exploitation and utilization of marine biological resources are the central tasks of blue-agriculture , while mariculture is the dominant industry in marine economy development .
